Innovative Education
Leads To Bright Futures
The first Australia-Vietnam Young Leadership Dialogue was held in Sydney, Australia in May 2017, involving 19 delegates from Australia and Vietnam along with various speakers and partners from diverse sectors including business, education, policy, non-for-profit and the arts.
In a rapidly changing world, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) seeks to become a world leader in technology and innovation − building and supporting tomorrow’s leaders, innovators and critical thinkers. Our support for the Australia Vietnam Young Leadership Dialogue (AVYLD) is part of this commitment.
Meet the Delegates
Dialogue Timeline
Learn more about AVYLD 2017’s program agenda and speakers in our Publication.

Day 1
Within the framework of leadership in the 21st century, the first day centered around the overall arching theme of the dialogue - ‘Innovation’. The sessions explored key ideas such as diversity, responsible leadership, how established leaders innovate and create an environment that facilitates innovation. The afternoon focused on individual leadership where delegates are encouraged to think about their own leadership skills both from a personal and external sense and how they can apply what they’ve learnt towards their own goals and organisations.
Day 2
The second day focused on building an effective workforce to solve challenges confronting the present and the future and the role of innovation and alternative learning models in education. In the afternoon, delegates had the opportunity to collaborate as a team to address challenges identified through the design thinking process.

Day 3
Business / Trade & Entrepreneurship
The third day focused on business and entrepreneurship where delegates heard success and failure stories of established entrepreneurs and corporates, the challenges they face and how to overcome them. Delegates also learnt the nuance of capital raising and who, where, how to raise funding for their initiatives. The latter half of the day involved delegates improving their understanding of storytelling and conveying a persuasive vision, further collaboration and communication opportunities to work on their group pitches and received feedback from experienced investors.

Day 4
National Development
The last day focused on national development beginning with a context of Vietnam and Australia towards 2030. Delegates were able to understand the impact of trends and government policies as well as new opportunities that can be created through these changes. The delegates were being asked to situate their work and aspirations in a context of national development which would help define their impact roles in their country. The program wrapped up with delegates reflecting at NSW Parliament House, about the course of the dialogue - their insights, challenges and new partnerships. The program officially ended with a dinner cruise around the Sydney Harbour.

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